Weight lose

Weight Lose

Weight lose

If you’ve begun to find that life has become a daily struggle with your weight, then hypnotherapy could just be the answer to your problem. Hypnotherapy works because it also looks at what has led you to have the relationship you do with food.

Our relationship with food is a complex one. In our hierarchy of needs, food is right up there at the top, along with water, warmth and rest. It outranks security and safety, companionship and self-esteem. We need food, but sometimes it becomes our enemy.

For many people, food is the ‘drug’ they choose to fight an internal battle – one which involves subconscious issues arising from a past event or experience. Eating can be an emotional bolt-hole, a place of comfort where some of us choose to hide from something we find emotionally too hard to deal with head-on.

We have all sorts of names and labels for this – comfort eating and emotional eating among them – but in the end people who want to lose weight but find it difficult to stop overeating are usually subconsciously compensating for something else. Hypnotherapy can help you to identify what that something else is and then deal with it permanently.


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No Judgement

There is no judgement
We all have our baggage to carry